16 February 2011

A few of my favorite things: Valentines day edition

16 February 2011

1. Giant Cards Last week my best friend Kaylie and I found a giant valentines card at the gas station. To her it was Christmas and it was a great way to kick off valentines day mode.
2. Not so secret admirers On the special day of love I went to my first class a little early to talk with my physics teacher. I left all of my stuff at my desk and went up to the front of the room to make up a quiz. When I came back a boy from another class came in just leave me a candy sucker. It truly made my day and it made physics a little bit more bearable.
3. Candy It was hard to even walk through the high school hallway without friends handing me candy left and right. I didn't mind one bit, can we make this an official part of my day?
4. Marriage Proposal I was asked for my hand in marriage and by totally accident. Kaylie hand made her valentine cards and randomly gave me the "Marry Me" one. It's always lovely to know someone wants to marry you.
5. Tradition My best friend Dahlya and I have a traditional gift for valentines day. Dark chocolate covered fortune cookies. yum. It is a must eat and inside each cookie there is a quote about friendship. Two years ago she gave me a box and this year I gave her one. I'm positive we will be mailing our cookies to each other next year.
6. Yearbook Parties I knew that I would be having tons of treats on v-day, especially in yearbook. For this reason, I skipped breakfast, lunch and all real type of food to save room for my massacre of sugar. This was a great plan till I left school early sick.
7. Cheesy Valentines I recall in elementary school making a home made mail box and patiently sitting at my desk as I watched classmates place valentines in my box. I miss this. So when my friend AJ gave me a cheesy valentine it was the icing to the perfect valentines day cupcake.

Even though Valentines day has come and gone I must say this year was the best yet.

1 comment:

  1. You're section about me SHOULD say... "This is my mentally challenged "best friend" Dahlya. I'm only friends with her because...well... I'm still figuring that one out."


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