30 January 2012

Party like it's your first birthday

30 January 2012
I was lucky enough to visit my sisters in New Jersey over my break from school. The main reason I spend the weekend on the East coast was for my niece's first birthday. Let me begin by stating, my sister went all out for this party. My twin nieces were a miracle in our family so my sister did not waste the opportunity of their first birthday to just eat cake at the house. The party, hosted by one of the best restaurants in Ocean City, was ladybug themed with a face painter, professionally made cake, and 65+ guests. If this insane first birthday party taught me anything it was that life should be celebrated at all times. Even though, I'm back at school and the stress is piling on, I want to celebrate life.  

12 January 2012

What I've learned

12 January 2012
In just a few short days, I will be heading back to my home. To say the least, I am beyond excited. Even though my last few days in Mesa are filled with long boarding dates, day trips, and hikes, my mind cannot help but reflect on my past semester. I've learned so much in the past four months it's felt like five years. I love my new life in Colorado and I am grateful for all I've learned in that short amount of time. A feeling of excitement is all I feel when I look forward at my uncharted life. Here is a video I made of my first semester and a few life lessons my good friends and I have learned.
  • Doing laundry at three am is the best time.
  •  "God knows the true desires of my heart and satisfies them at exactly the right time." -Abigial
  •  "God is always faithful, no matter what my opinion or plan is.” -Aaron
  • It doesn't matter where you sit during Tiger Ball, you're never safe!
  • "Trust and thank God in every situation good or bad, and if we want to be there or not because He is in control."-Jon
  • Baking is always a better choice than homework
  • If Taylor Swift starts playing loudly upstairs it's time for a dance party.
  • Let it go
  • "How funny and weird some of the people on campus are and yet how we still love them more than anything."-Jon
  • If you don't go to bed, the birthday fairy won't come.
  • Get the help you deserve.
  • "Procrastination is still a bad idea." -Tami
  • Pinterest is the best thing to ever happen to any college girl.
  • "Don't goad someone into praking you." -Chris
  • "Harry Potter is incredible." -Tami
  • Stand up for what you believe and find out what you don't.
  • “Don’t worry about God’s plans for life. In my new stage of life at college relying on  God’s plan is so important.” -Mackenzy
  • Admit when you made a mistake.
  • “God gives us natural talents/gifts and passions for a reason and we need to respond to His call by using them for His glory and to fulfill His purpose for us.” -Katie
  • "It's a bad idea to talk to Sarah Norris before she is fully awake." -Tami
  • Never trust the printer a couple hours before a major paper for FYI is due.
  • "Nerf guns are the best thing to have in college." -Chris
  • “It may look like chaos down here but God has everything in control up there.” -Sam
  • "Don't trust Cockpit." -Tami

06 January 2012


06 January 2012
Two degree weather:
seventy degree weather:
 Many layers:
Hardly any layers:
If being in Arizona for the past three weeks has taught me anything it's that I miss warm weather. It is a beautiful feeling not having to go outside with several coats on. However, I miss Colorado..a lot. I miss my school, my friends, and my life back there. I even started calling CCU home the other day. Even though, the weather change is vastly different than what I am use to, I am willing to trade. Colorado is my new home so I've come to realize my closet doesn't need a makeover because of my location. With a few simple tricks, I am able to wear dresses where ever I am living.
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