12 November 2012

Post election outfit

12 November 2012
This past week was a vital time for our nation. However once all the votes were counted and our country made a decision, there was still one campaign I still needed to vote in. My school holds an annul male beauty pageant called King Cougar. Each building is represented by a guy and on the special night the selected few compete in various rounds to see who will be King Cougar. From the cat walk portion to the talent competition, it's a night the whole school comes out to see what our boys got. This year I got the honor of being a judge. When it came time I put on my best patriotic outfit and even made it work once I got my judging shirt. Judging will be one of my favorite memories I've had at a school event.  My vote matters even in a male pageant. 

Here are some photos from the event:
1. Myself and a fellow judge 2. The boy's group dance 3. A contestant performing his talent 4. Fun with preview students 5. The pool of boys gets narrowed to a top five to pick a winner 

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