27 November 2012

How To: Pumpkin Pie Pops

27 November 2012
My roommate and I were watching the Today show when Emily Schuman of Cupcakes and Cashmere  did a segment of interesting ways to mix up Thanksgiving traditions. She presented Pumpkin Pie Pops which really caught my interest. It is a easy substitution for cake pops and I knew I had to try it.  I used Libby's famous pumpkin pie filling and store bought dough when first trying my pops. They turned out incredible which my roommates were really excited about. I cannot wait to try other types of filling soon.

24 November 2012

A few of my favorite things: thankful

24 November 2012
I've driven from Mesa to Phoenix, Arizona at least three times within the past three days. Why? My mom was visiting in Phoenix and my dad lives in Mesa which makes the holidays consumed with driving back and forth across town. The stress that comes with trying not to be late to every Thanksgiving dinner is at times unbearable. However, I am thankful for that drive. When I take that drive it means I have two wonderful home to go to, two families who are loving, and the ability to take the family car. For that, I am thankful. I am thankful for living in Colorado, having great friends in Kansas, and family in Arizona. I am thankful for this incredible life and joyful season I am in. Mostly of I am thankful for God's love and faithfulness. I have a few things to be thankful for.
A few of the things I am most thankful for: 1. Learning and growing in ministry 2. best friends 3. Youthfront 4. my parents (the photo is an oldie but goodie) 5. my roommates 

21 November 2012

Fly away with me

21 November 2012
At any chance, I love finding adventures. Back in September, I was researching fun things to do in Colorado when I came across the 24th annul hot air balloon festival in Rocky Ford. When the weekend finally came, I convinced my roommates and friends to take the drive, three hours south of our home, to watch hot air balloons take off at sunrise. The time was set to leave at three in the morning when my roommate suggested we leave in the middle of the night. So at midnight we took the pilgrimage to Rocky Ford. After a deer attack and sleeping in my car, sunrise finally came. It was an incredible morning watching the process of how hot air balloons take off. The festival was filled with meeting new people, observing balloons getting set up, and filming. It was one of my favorite adventures. Enjoy the video I made!  

from Melanie Fenwick on Vimeo.

12 November 2012

Post election outfit

12 November 2012
This past week was a vital time for our nation. However once all the votes were counted and our country made a decision, there was still one campaign I still needed to vote in. My school holds an annul male beauty pageant called King Cougar. Each building is represented by a guy and on the special night the selected few compete in various rounds to see who will be King Cougar. From the cat walk portion to the talent competition, it's a night the whole school comes out to see what our boys got. This year I got the honor of being a judge. When it came time I put on my best patriotic outfit and even made it work once I got my judging shirt. Judging will be one of my favorite memories I've had at a school event.  My vote matters even in a male pageant. 

Here are some photos from the event:
1. Myself and a fellow judge 2. The boy's group dance 3. A contestant performing his talent 4. Fun with preview students 5. The pool of boys gets narrowed to a top five to pick a winner 

10 November 2012

Dress like it's your birthday

10 November 2012
 For my birthday, my roommates surprised me with a black, lace dress. At first, I was a bit nervous that other people were buying my dress but when I got the chance to wear it to my birthday dinner, I felt so beautiful. It was very Audrey Hepburn. Paired with my red heels, the whole outfit came together. Along with my dress, I wore my Tiffany's bracelet that my mom gave on my sixteenth and my Tiffany's bow necklace that my dad gave on my eighteenth birthday. It felt like several pieces of people who care for me were with me on my special night.

07 November 2012

Birthday Dinner

07 November 2012
For my 20th birthday dinner, I wanted to take a risk. Instead of going to a restaurant were I would know the menu like the back of my hand, I decided to try a place I've only heard about. In downtown, there is a eatery called Linger that's a rooftop restaurant overlooking Denver. When I took this risk when making a reservation, I didn't expect what we experience. The place had very dim lighting with loud music playing from a DJ overlooking the whole dining room. While servers worked the employees danced around the kitchen. The lively atmosphere was a bonus to its international menu. Between the sesame BBQ tacos and sweet potato fries, it was one of the best meals I've ever had. Along with great food, I have some of the greatest friends with me. Overall, it was one of the most wonderful birthdays I've experienced. 

04 November 2012

Life Lately: according to Instagram

04 November 2012
I've been learning a lot about friendship, a lot about myself, and a lot about God lately. In the tangledness of my messy and joyful life is an outrageous amount of selfless love from others. There has been countless moment this past month where  I'm overwhelmed with the relationships that fill and bless my life. While I was in Kansas or at my birthday dinner, I could look around and ask myself, "why don't I let go of more in my life and give it to God?" A year ago I was stuck in one of the hardest seasons yet. When I was finally ready to let go of my hometown, my ex-boyfriend, my unhealthy relationships God did the unimaginable by giving me people and places that fills my heart and make me whole again. This past weekend that truth became even more real to me when I had friends that drove all night with me or be willing to wait with me for hours in the midst of a difficult situation. Life lately has made it very really how much love is within my life. For that, I am most thankful.
1. Drove all night just to get to Kansas. 2. My best friends 3. A very special moment when I got to go back to camp for the first time. 4. Downtown Kansas City coffee time with my best friend from camp. 5. Birthday dinner at Linger in downtown Denver. 6. I'm almost positive the Broncos won for my birthday. 7. Birthday bike ride through the city. 8. My best friend from high school came to Colorado for my birthday weekend. 9. After the long drive and sleeping in my car, I finally made it to the hot air balloon festival. 10. Snow is coming!   
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