28 March 2011

Cheater, cheater ice cream eater

28 March 2011
Before I left for Sedona I did some research on some place to eat in the small town. My findings brought me to Black Cow ice cream; a ice cream shop that makes all their flavors fresh everyday. Since my frozen yogurt obsession originated from my ice cream addiction I had to check this place out. While in Sedona Zac and I tried to go in a couple times but the line was out the door. So finally we got our chance and it was totally worth; ice cream can make any great day better. Black Cow's freshly made ice cream is to die for and they present a lot of different flavors. Since it was hard deciding I got Peppermint Chip and Zac got Espresso Swirl and we shared. Both flavors where delicious and I was reminded how good ice cream is. Even though I feel like I cheated on frozen yogurt, Black Cow's ice cream is my only exception.

I thought this was so funny. Zac didn't think it was as funny as I did but who wouldn't laugh at a tip jar that said "cow tipping."

Zac loves ice cream too.

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