Every year my church holds a winter camp that I've always looked forward to. The cold weather, spending the entire weekend with church family, and the amazing memories have made winter camp one of my
favorites. But, in the past four years, I've had a tradition that's set winter camp aside from any other church event. Since freshman year, I've bought a special fashion piece that no one else has and I wear it just to camp. My first year I got a cherry red rain coat while during my sophomore year I brought Victorian black and white patterned boots. Last year my church decided to have a day dedicated to skiing so I wore a yellow snow hat. Yes, every camp I had my fashion tradition and each year other students and leaders tell me how cute they think my pieces are. However, the unthinkable happened. While I started packing for my last winter camp I forgot to find my unforgettable fashion piece. In years past either I've stumbled upon, saw in a issue of teen vogue, or found in a store my wearable item. With senior year craziness and not having any money I completely forgot to keep my eyes open for my last chance to show off my fashion addiction. To add to my trouble I realized my dilemma the day I was suppose to leave for camp.
For this reason, thirty minutes before I had to be at church I went shopping. Thankfully, my speedy shopper skills kicked in and I shopped at four different stores within twenty minutes. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything that was good enough to be the last item I would ever bring to camp. As I was about to give up and tears were swelling up in my eyes I looked over at a row of crazy ribbons at Micheal's. There it was; a bright polka dotted bow. Ironically, at camp this year we were having a neon dance party and this ribbon would be the perfect addition to my crazy outfit. As fast as I could, I may have pushed some old ladies aside, I bought the ribbon, ran to Target and got a hot pink headband to attach. At camp I assembled the two together and like magic I had the perfect headband. The last minute piece ended up being a huge success and the neon dance party was so much fun. Even though it was my last winter camp I look back and think how those camps whether I was wearing boots or a red rain coast was some of the best times of my life. My trips to camp may be over but hopefully one day I will be running those events.
Coat: Walmart
Rain boots: Online
Hat: Target
Headband: Micheal's and Target
Pushing old ladies out of the way in the name of fashion -- totally understandable.....aunt Darla