15 April 2011

If I were a rich girl

15 April 2011
While I was working at Village Inn my nickname was princess Melanie. So at my mom's wedding, when my godmother fairy godmother gave me three designer bags completely free it was my happily ever after. When I wore my new Prada purse to school the week after I just so happened to wear my Tiffany & Co. necklace as well. My best friend Kaylie commented on how I looked like a rich girl. This got me thinking; even though I'm about to attend college (in short, I'm broke) in fashion I can still dress like I have lots of lettuce. I look at the future princess Kate Middleton and think how easy her style is to copy. Wearing silkily fabric and keeping it simply is the key to looking like a rich girl...even when you're not.   

Outfit Breakdown: dress-Kohls shoes- Steve Madden ring- Forever 21 bracelet- Tiffany & Co. bag- Prada sunglasses-D&G knock offs

1 comment:

  1. More like: outfit breakdown- shoes: Dahlya Glick.


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